Mark Robert Dauber was first admitted to the California Bar 1st September 1988, but is now no longer eligible to practice. Mark graduated from Arizona State University COL.

Lawyer Information

NameMark Robert Dauber
First Admitted1 September 1988 (36 years, 6 months ago)
StatusNot Eligible to Practice
Bar Number135507


Phone Number602-254-2528


Law SchoolArizona State University COL (Tempe AZ)
Undergraduate SchoolUniversity of California Berkeley (Berkeley CA)


Current Address47 E Hoover
Phoenix, AZ 85004-0000


29 August 1994Not eligible to practice law in CA (30 years, 6 months ago)
Suspended, failed to pay fees
1 January 1990Inactive (35 years, 2 months ago)
1 September 1988Admitted to the State Bar of California (36 years, 6 months ago)