Lydia C Lai is an inactive member of the California Bar and was admitted 4th December 1990. Lydia graduated from UCLA SOL.

Lawyer Information

NameLydia C Lai
First Admitted4 December 1990 (34 years, 3 months ago)
Bar Number150776


Current Email[email protected]


Law SchoolUCLA SOL (Los Angeles CA)
Undergraduate SchoolBrown University (Providence RI)


Previous AddressNew York City Civil Court
8917 Sutphin Blvd
Queens Housing Court
Jamaica, NY 11435
Previous AddressNew York City Civil Court, 8917 Sutphin Blvd, Queens Housing Court
Jamaica, NY 11435-3710
Previous AddressNew York State Supreme Court, NYC Civil Court, Housing Part, 851 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY 10451


1 January 1993Inactive (32 years, 2 months ago)
4 December 1990Admitted to the State Bar of California (34 years, 3 months ago)