Felix Teisseire Smith Jr was first admitted to the California Bar 10th April 1950, but is now no longer eligible to practice. Felix graduated from Harvard University Law School.

Lawyer Information

NameFelix Teisseire Smith Jr
First Admitted10 April 1950 (74 years, 10 months ago)
StatusNot Eligible to Practice
Bar Number21671


Law SchoolHarvard University Law School (Cambridge MA)
Undergraduate SchoolWilliams Coll (Williamstown MA)


Current Address2496 Filbert Street
San Francisco, CA 94123


15 December 1960Not eligible to practice law in CA (64 years, 2 months ago)
Suspended, failed to pay fees
10 April 1950Admitted to the State Bar of California (74 years, 10 months ago)