Watson Goodwin Thoms was first admitted to the California Bar 28th January 1953, but is currently resigned with charges pending. Watson graduated from USC Law School.

Lawyer Information

NameWatson Goodwin Thoms
First Admitted28 January 1953 (72 years, 2 months ago)
StatusResigned with Charges Pending
Bar Number23886


Phone Number(310) 394-5592


Law SchoolUSC Law School (Los Angeles CA)
Undergraduate SchoolUniversity of California at Los Angeles (CA)


Current Address1411 5th St #200
Santa Monica, CA 90401


2 April 1997Resigned (27 years, 11 months ago)
23 January 1997Not Eligible To Practice Law in CA (28 years, 1 month ago)
28 January 1953Admitted to The State Bar of California (72 years, 2 months ago)