Kenneth M W Bradley was admitted to the California Bar 27th July 1954, but has since been disbarred. Kenneth graduated from USC Law School.

Lawyer Information

NameKenneth M W Bradley
First Admitted27 July 1954 (70 years, 8 months ago)
Bar Number25392


Law SchoolUSC Law School (Los Angeles CA)
Undergraduate SchoolBoston University (Boston MA)


Current Address5501 Vista Del Dia
Anaheim Hills, CA 92807


19 October 1990Disbarred (34 years, 5 months ago)
Disbarment 89-N-12429
13 April 1990Not eligible to practice law in CA (34 years, 11 months ago)
Suspended, failed to pass Prof.Resp.Exam
24 February 1989Not eligible to practice law in CA (36 years ago)
Discipline w/actual suspension
13 April 1987Disciplinary charges filed in State Bar Court 87-0-00087 (37 years, 11 months ago)
5 August 1985Not eligible to practice law in CA (39 years, 7 months ago)
Suspended, failed to pay fees
27 July 1954Admitted to the State Bar of California (70 years, 8 months ago)