Los Angeles, CA 90010
10 September 1993 | Resigned (31 years, 5 months ago) Resignation with charges pending 93-Q-13838 |
16 August 1993 | Not Eligible To Practice Law in California (31 years, 6 months ago) Suspended, failed to pay Bar fees |
1 June 1993 | Not Eligible To Practice Law in California (31 years, 8 months ago) Vol.inactive(tender of resign.w/charges) 93-Q-13838 |
30 June 1992 | Disciplinary charges filed in State Bar Court 91-O-00128 (32 years, 7 months ago) |
20 April 1986 | Active (38 years, 10 months ago) |
20 February 1986 | Not Eligible To Practice Law in California (38 years, 12 months ago) Discipline w/actual suspension |
8 August 1980 | Discipline, probation; no actual susp. (44 years, 6 months ago) |
18 December 1957 | Admitted to The State Bar of California (67 years, 2 months ago) |