Muneer Ahmad Malik was first admitted to the California Bar 18th December 1974, but is now no longer eligible to practice. Muneer graduated from Santa Clara University SOL.

Lawyer Information

NameMuneer Ahmad Malik
First Admitted18 December 1974 (50 years, 3 months ago)
StatusNot Eligible to Practice
Bar Number61987


Law SchoolSanta Clara University SOL (Santa Clara CA)
Undergraduate SchoolSan Jose State University (San Jose CA)


Current AddressApt 3, 2358 Karen Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95050


13 December 1977Not eligible to practice law in CA (47 years, 3 months ago)
Suspended, failed to pay fees
18 December 1974Admitted to the State Bar of California (50 years, 3 months ago)